Kenning Inc. FilterSource
Phone: 1-800-701-8038
Fax: 1-970-204-4764

Why use FilterSource?

Products FilterSource is an independent filter distributor.  We can choose the most cost-effective products for your specific application from a number of manufacturers. That means a better system at a better cost for you.
Experience Nobody can know everything anymore.  Don't ask us about pipe, valves, or fittings. All we've been working on since 1980 is industrial filtration. Save some time and put our experience to work for you.
Product Line We can supply most industrial filtration products. Reducing the number of suppliers and contacts saves you time. The more familiar we are with your entire operation, the better recommendations we can make.
Fun FilterSource is a small company - you'll probably talk with the owners. We like industrial filtration stuff. And although we are serious about doing things right, if we can't have some fun while we do it, what's the point?

Brandon and Lindsey Jones

Copyright © 2012 Kenning Inc.